​The sooner you get your life in order after moving, the sooner you can get to the fun part, like enjoying your new home! Here's a few more important steps to take now that you are homeowner:
Keys/Change Your Locks
Ensure All Keys Work
Door and Deadbolt
Garage Door (also change garage door code)
Change Locks
Find a safe space for a spare key
Set Mortgage Auto-Pay
Be on the lookout for mail to set-up autopay for your mortgage within the first 2 months
Call your mortgage office if you have questions
Claim For Home Exemption (due on or before September 30)
Forward Your Old Mail
Notify the IRS (Form 8822) and also change your address on your:
Driver’s License
Voter Registration
Personal and Business Banking
Investment Accounts
Credit Cards
Loan Servicers
Insurance Companies
Employer Paperwork
Doctor’s Offices
Online and Ecommerce Retailers
House of Worship
Delivery and RideShare Apps
Hook Up Utilities/Set to Autopay
Board of Water Supply
Hawaiian Telcom
Hawaii Gas
Trash (Curbside Collection)
Purchase Emergency Supplies
Flashlights and Batteries
Emergency Radio
Power Bank (for emergency cell phone charging)
Extra Water
Canned Food
First Aid Kit
Professional Cleaner (if applicable)
Chad’s Cleaning Services
Chad Fujiwawra
Change Batteries in Smoke Detectors
Test your smoke detectors and make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector
Learn Where Everything Is/Review Inspection Report
Get familiar with your home; Locate your HVAC filters and water shut off valve, and then label your circuit breakers
Review your inspection report and make a plan for tackling home improvements; Let the team know if you don’t have your copy
Introduce Yourself to the Neighbors
Introduce yourself to your new neighbors and, if you feel like overachieving, leave a short and sweet note for them, plus a home-baked treat
Yelp Review/Refer a Friend
Leave a stellar review for Team Alaka’i so we can help more families like yours!
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Have a Housewarming Party
Enjoy your new home with a HouseWarming Party! Matty offer’s host and music services FREE of charge for your next gathering at your new home!