Claim For Home Exemption
Deadline for Filing: September 30th
Claim forms are available at the Real Property Assessment Division, Satellite City Halls, and the City and County of Honolulu’s website File a home exemption claim online by clicking on the “File A Home Exemption” icon, and a receipted copy of the claim will be emailed to the email address provided.
Present proof of age in person, such as the applicant’s driver’s license, state identification, birth certificate, or other government or legal document, or photocopy of such proof if applying by mail.
Indicate the number of living units on this parcel. (NOTE: Your co-op/condominium unit is one living unit).
If more than one living unit or buildings exists on this parcel, ATTACH a plot plan on a separate sheet of paper. Show the location of the living unit in which the owner resides and location of other living units.
Indicate the building area used as your principal residence.
If the property is owned or held in a Trust (e.g. Doe Family Trust):
Attach a copy of the Short Form Trust if you are the Originator/Creator/Settlor of the Trust.
Attach a copy of the Long Form Trust if you are a Beneficiary of the Trust.
Claim forms are accepted at all Satellite City Halls and must be submitted (a) in duplicate, and (b) with supporting documentation.
Deliver or mail a signed claim form with supporting documentation to:
Real Property Assessment Division
842 Bethel Street, Basement
Honolulu, HI 96813
Real Property Assessment Division
1000 Uluohia Street #206
Kapolei, HI 96707